
Dec 3, 2013

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Minister Farrakhan and Scripture

By Jabril Muhammad

I mentioned in a previous article these words: “No one can see and/or help the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, or help ourselves, with jealousy and envy in his/her hearts.”

The first time I heard the word “envy,” was in 1956 that came from the words of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

I was living in Lansing, Michigan, at that time. I wasn’t even learning or even thinking of photography at that time.
I also didn’t know, at that time, that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was related to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, in the scriptures—both Bible and Holy Qur’an.
One of the meanings of “related” is: “Belonging to the same family, group, or type; connected.”

The first time when I saw Minister Farrakhan, physically, it was in the previous year—1955.
I’m skipping much of that history now, until later, but I’m asking the reader to study the word “brain” in dictionaries. I’m using my dictionary.
In my dictionary the word “mind” means: “the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought:

“A person’s mental processes contrasted with physical action; A person’s intellect; The state of normal mental functioning in a person; A person’s memory; A person identified with their intellectual faculties; A person’s attention; The will or determination to achieve something… ”

Earlier today I saw and then decided to use the interview of Mother Tynnetta Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan. This was a big event.
Mother Tynnetta: What is the inspiration that has guided you to perform the Beethoven Violin Concerto in Los Angeles at this particular time?

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan (The Minister): From the time I finished or performed the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto, Mrs. Armenta Adams-Hummings wanted me to play Beethoven. So Mrs. Forhman, my teacher, brought the piano and violin parts to the house and I began practicing, to one day be able to perform it. Even though I am not necessarily where I would like to be at this time in my development, I felt that this year in California, I would like to perform this particular violin work of the great master Beethoven.
Mother Tynnetta: What are the short and long-term goals that you hope to achieve in the concert performance?

The Minister: Really, the short-term goal is to raise money for the University of Islam. As far as my own performance is concerned, I would like to give a creditable performance that would be a credit to me, to my instructors, and the Beethoven.
In the long-term, it is my desire to perform this in a few cities in the United States, as well as some cities in different parts of the World as a door opener for me to reach different audiences with the Word or Message of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I also intend to feature certain young Black violinists who otherwise might not get the kind of exposure that they richly deserve for the quality of their talent.

Mother Tynnetta: What is the most striking part of the experience that you recall in your journey to the Great Mother’s Wheel on September 17, 1985?
The Minister: It was what I received from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and my believing that, in fact, he was alive and then to receive a communication from him that was so rich in wisdom and guidance that for nearly 17 years that which I heard from his lips has guided my activity.

Mother Tynnetta: Do you wish to comment briefly about your experience in the Mexican Village of Tepotzlan in which you, along with several other witnesses, observed an unusually bright object moving in front of the mountains in clear daylight in the last week of September 2001?

The Minister: Only to say that I witnessed what you describe in your question as another bearing of witness that the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad on the Wheel and on the little planes within it is very, very real. I feel blessed to have been permitted, in my vision-like experience, to visit the Wheel.
Also, I feel blessed to have been back in that same village in Mexico from which I ascended to the Great Wheel in 1985 in my vision-like experience to see that these sightings of these UFO’s are very common in that area.

I was blessed that while we were there discussing it, two objects appeared in the broad daylight, bright, bright lights moving and one went away, went out of sight, but the other traveled very, very slowly and rose upward in front of a mountain, then disappeared.

More next article, Allah willing.